



以下地点AG真人在线游戏 (除非另有说明):

行政楼:  227 E. Sanilac Avenue, Sandusky Michigan
克罗斯维尔诊所: 密歇根州克罗斯威尔,北霍华德街110号

萨尼拉克县居民的孩子, 0 - 17岁之间, and have symptoms of 严重情绪障碍 and/or 发育障碍.

可诊断的精神疾病, 未成年人行为或情绪失常, 导致功能损伤,严重干扰, 或限制未成年人在家庭中的角色或功能, 学校或社区活动.

由于精神和/或身体缺陷而造成的残疾, occurring before 22 years of age resulting in significant functional impairment in three or more of the following areas:  Taking care of self, 学习, 流动性, 由于精神和/或身体缺陷造成的残疾, 对生活做出决定的能力, 独立生活能力, 以及胜任工作的能力.

These services are usually provided in a clinic setting on a short-term basis and are aimed at helping people manage their illness and achieve their daily life goals.  目标是提供关怀, 促进个人和家庭健康的个性化治疗和服务.


危机服务:  Crisis services are focused on resolving a crisis situation requiring immediate attention and are available during office hours, 星期一到星期五在 行政大楼 一天24小时, 7 days per week utilizing the toll free Access/Crisis number which is 888-225-4447.

评估及服务计划:  Initial and periodic assessment which may include a range of professional and psychological evaluations to determine appropriate diagnoses and eligibility for services, 推荐一个疗程, 并使用以人为本的计划方法制定服务计划.

精神科、药物和相关保健服务:  Evaluation of mental status/diagnosis and of the need for the treatment of mental health disorders with the use of medications.  The primary goal of this service is to monitor the effectiveness of treatment and the need for continuing or changing the medication regimen.

咨询:  Sanilac CMH提供个人、团体和家庭治疗.  此服务的主要目标是帮助减少问题行为, 提高自我控制能力, 增加动力, 改善情绪调节,改善日常功能.

儿童及家庭家居服务:  Provides intensive services to Seriously Emotionally Disturbed children and their families.  服务 are provided in the home and/or in the community, minimum of two hours weekly.  该计划的主要目标是促进正常发展, 健康的家庭功能, 支持和保护家庭, supports coordination and reduce or shorten length of stay in psychiatric hospital settings.

健康的开端:  Sanilac CMH's Healthy Beginnings Program is for families who are pregnant or have a child 3 years of age and/or a parent or child is experiencing mental health issues.  The primary goal of the program is for the therapist to work with families in their homes to provide emotional support as parents learn ways to help their child cope with their difficult behaviors, 提供治疗,以解决情绪问题,并与社区资源联系.

创伤聚焦认知行为疗法(TF-CBT):  TF-CBT is a structured therapy model that is used across the country and has been shown to significantly decrease the short and long term negative effects of trauma.  主要目标是帮助孩子和家庭管理感情, talk about trauma and develop a plan for feeling safe in the future by desensitizing them to the trauma through a trauma narrative.

密歇根州医疗补助自闭症谱系障碍(ASD)福利:  The population that qualifies for the benefit are children between the ages of 18 months through 21 years of age who have Medicaid and are believed to have symptoms of ASD.  这个项目的主要目标是为筛查提供帮助, ASD人群的诊断和应用行为分析(ABA)治疗.

服务是在 行政大楼.

的服务:  Wraparound服务的目标是家庭保护和独立性, 因此,家庭能够在最少的机构干预下成功运作.  A highly individualized 规划 process is performed by specialized case managers who coordinate the 规划 for, 和交付, wraparound services and the incidental non-staff items that are medically necessary for the child.  环环相绕利用了一个由家庭决定的孩子和家庭团队, 通常代表多个机构, 非正式的支持.  服务计划可能包括医疗补助, 及精神健康服务, as well as non mental health services that are secured from and funded by other agencies.

Children must meet two or more of the following:  have involvement in multiple systems; be at risk of/currently in out of home placements; received mental health services with minimal improvement; have risk factors that exceed capacity of traditional community based options; be one of multiple children in a family served by numerous providers without meeting desired outcomes.


    • 病例管理:  评估, 规划, 链接, 宣传, coordination and monitoring to assist individuals in gaining access to needed health and dental services, 金融援助, 住房, 就业, 教育, 社会服务, and other services and natural supports developed through the person centered 规划 process.

家庭支援服务:  Family Support 服务 are available for children and adults who have been diagnosed with a 发育障碍 and who reside with their families in community settings.  Family Support services offices are generally open 8:00 am to 4:00 pm Month through Friday and are located at the 行政大楼.

The goal of Family Support services is to maintain the individual in the family home and to avert more restrictive services or settings such as hospitalization.


    • 支持协调:  适用于被诊断患有发育障碍的儿童.  服务包括保证以人为本的计划, 链接到, 配合, 然后跟进, 宣传 with and/or monitoring of mental health and community services and supports.  The primary goal of the program is to maintain the child in the family home with the least restrictive services.
    • 喘息服务:  Respite services are pre-arranged during regular business hours 8:00 am to 4:30 pm, 星期一到星期五在 大卫·埃哈特中心.  Respite is short-term care provided to a child/adult with a developmental disability or mental illness, 谁与照顾者或父母住在一起.  It is a planned and coordinated service to families providing them with temporary relief from the 24-hour responsibility of care and supervision for an individual with a development disability or mental illness.  The primary goal of this service is to assist in providing temporary relief for unpaid caregivers.
    • 家庭支援津贴:  协助将符合条件的家庭与补贴联系起来,并保持入学率.  The goal of the program is to link families who are caring for their children with severe disabilities in their home to financial help and help maintain it.